Thursday, August 22, 2013

"I upgraded my OS and now I scroll the wrong direction!"

Using a Mac for the first time can be a shock, but I think you will find it quite refreshing after a little practice. It is intuitive and natural. Your gestures and movements become part of your workflow. I am often in the habit of using a BlueTooth mouse with right and left click, thumb commands, and scrolling wheel in my right hand and an external trackpad in the left. I move items and click with my right and gesture with my left. I can build and edit documents quickly and I feel more productive than with the built in trackpad or wireless mouse. Customizing the trackpad can help you feel at home with your computer and generally make you more productive. Knowing what you like before hand is helpful, but the Apple default videos will help you find what you need.

Here is a quick tutorial to follow along if you wanted to change how to "right click" on your Mac.

Short cuts on the trackpad like pinching and swiping are really something, but you have only scratched the surface if you stop there. Let's talk now about keyboard shortcuts. OS10.8 does not have my favorite shortcut of all as a default anymore. So how do you get Command+Shift+4 back?

Lets take a look at this option and many others: 

If you have favorite tips and tricks, please comment below and share.