Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Spoken Text Video

Okay, this week I am going to share a trick I use for "reading" my class assignments while at the airport or on a plane, which is a substantial part of my life... I created a video of my own, but I am unable to find a host and YouTube doesn't seem to want to approve my video... at any rate, someone else has already made one, so here it is!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


This a blog about the life and the legend of Sam Bourgeois, education consultant. Far from my Louisiana home, this young adventurous teacher traveled thousands of miles to relocate to rural Alaska. I worked in a small 'Bush' village of Alaska Natives (Yup'ik Eskimo) for almost 6 years. In that time I integrated technology daily and won aclaim in several areas. I went paperless in 2008 and presented at various conferences on my successes and methodolgy. Througout my career I have always been interested podcasting and the use of video production to give students "voice." In this endevor I have won several awards related to student video editting, culturally relavent educational strategies, and classroom usage of multimedia.
Now out of the classroom I have attacked the professional development world with the same zeal I had in Togiak, AK. Over the last 14 months I have developed and collaborated to create approximately 20 workshop-style days of technology integration courses. The delivery of these courses keeps me on the road, or more accurately, in the air. With an area nearly 3 times the size of Texas, Alaska is the land of the Bush pilot. When I go to work it generally is through an airport without security, on a plane with less than 15 seats, and with enough gear to survive a few days if need be.
Thanks for following my first post, and I hope you enjoy the read!